Ok, here's the kitchen, the most important part of a remodel. As you can see, there is no dishwasher and the cupboards are disgusting, among many other problems we found along the way. Here is what we did.....
Tore out the bottom cupboards and plumbed for a dishwasher.
Tore out the bottom cupboards and plumbed for a dishwasher.
Sanded the floors really well...thank you A and T (sister and hubby), and B (friend) for your knowlegde of redoing floors.
Thank you MD for ripping off that disgusting backsplash...you rock!
Added a bar (not done yet), because I do not have a dining room in this house. When life gives you lemons....make lemonade.
Nice job! Now I see why you never want to do it again. Too much work for me. I thought building a house was a lot of work. More fun than work:) You will appreciate it so much!
So fresh and so clean, clean! ;) Great job!
Oh my heck I can't believe the change. I love it! At first I thought, "you know, you could make those laminate floors kind of cute...somehow...I'm surprised Paula didn't work with this..." jk Nice job.
I'm so in awe..... I don't think I could ever do this!
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